Peer-Reviewed Publications
Johnson, Gbemende E. and Tracey E. George. “To Preserve, Release, and Litigate: Dimensions of Executive Branch Transparency.” Presidential Studies Quarterly, forthcoming
Johnson, Gbemende E. "The Law: Government Transparency and Public Access." Presidential Studies Quarterly (2021).
Johnson, Gbemende E. "Adjudicating Executive Privilege: Federal Administrative Agencies and Deliberative Process Privilege Claims in US District Courts." Law & Society Review 53, no. 3 (2019): 823-850.
"Adjudicating Executive Privilege" Appendix
Burge, Camille D., and Gbemende Johnson. "Race, crime, and emotions." Research & Politics 5, no. 3 (2018): 2053168018795334.
Johnson, Gbemende. "Legislative “Allies” and Judicial Oversight of Executive Power." Justice System Journal 38, no. 2 (2017): 116-134.
Johnson, Gbemende. "Executive power and judicial deference: judicial decision making on executive power challenges in the American states." Political Research Quarterly 68, no. 1 (2015): 128-141.
Johnson, Gbemende. "Judicial deference and executive control over administrative agencies." State Politics & Policy Quarterly 14, no. 2 (2014): 142-164.
Johnson, Gbemende, Bruce I. Oppenheimer, and Jennifer L. Selin. "The House as a Stepping Stone to the Senate: Why Do So Few African American House Members Run?." American Journal of Political Science 56, no. 2 (2012): 387-399.
Law Reviews, Legal Notes, and Other Articles
Johnson, Gbemende E. “How Did the Civil War Amendments Change the U.S. .Constitution?,” in The U.S. Constitution in Five Minutes, eds David Klein and Joseph L. Smith. United Kingdom: Equinox (2023)
Johnson, Gbemende E. "Gender, Diversity, and the United States Judiciary." SAIS Review of International Affairs, 41, no. 1(2021) 61-71.
Johnson, Gbemende E. "The Deliberative Process Privilege and the Freedom of Information Act: US Fish and Wildlife Service v. Sierra Club (2021)." Justice System Journal 42, no. 1 (2021): 106-109.
Fix, Michael P., and Gbemende E. Johnson. "Public perceptions of gender bias in the decisions of female state court judges." Vand. L. Rev. 70 (2017): 1845.
Book Chapters
Johnson, Gbemende. "Degrees of separation: judicial–executive relations in the US and Latin America." In Research Handbook on Law and Courts. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
Johnson, Gbemende. "Gubernatorial institutional authority and conflict: executive-judicial relations in the United States." In The American Governor, pp. 49-70. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2015.